By LasersHurt
In just the first few days of the website, we’re beginning to see interesting trends. I wanted to share something that stood out:

Global Reach
CureCoin is already reaching around the Globe, with visitors from 64 countries. That number will only grow as more and more people realize the power of using their computers to search for cures for disease while earning CureCoins at the same time.
In particular, thanks to our second largest nation of visitors – Bulgaria! Our friends on the Black Sea can be seen in slightly darker blue towards the center of the map.
Close behind, however, is China, the United Kingdom, and Canada – so be sure to tell your friends and colleagues about CureCoin, and take your place at the top! Maybe you can even surpass the United States?
The most popular parts of the site, so far, are the Getting Started guide (which we’re very glad to see!) and the User Stats page, where users check up on their work.
If you’ve got opinions on how we can do better, or something the site is missing, be sure to visit the chat or email me.