By LasersHurt
Get ready to travel, get ready to click. We’ve got a few things in the works that are very exciting and nearing fruition – so click on through and fulfill your need to read.
On the Road
Pack your bags and buy your tickets, because CureCoin is coming to The North American Bitcoin Conference in Chicago, IL on July 19th and 20th.
Stop by the exhibitor’s area and find us – Our Developers will be there, ready and able to answer all of your questions. Before the Conference we’ll finish updating the Team Page so you can put faces to the names.
You’ll know us by the great banners near the table – here’s a sneak peak at one:

Around the Web
We’re very pleased to report that we’ve been selected for inclusion on Coin CPA. Coin CPA is an online financial tracking tool for CryptoCurrencies, from simple widgets to check your balance to an API that lets you really dig into the data. Work is ongoing to integrate CureCoin – we’ll be sure to let everyone know when it’s ready to rock.
Also, since the addition of a Captcha to the Voting system on CoinWarz, CureCoin has maintained an easy second place, running close to the first place coin. With a little bit more help from the community, we can take First Place!
A Point of Interest
One of the Developers, Vorksholk, is always thinking ahead. Recently he wrote a great piece about developing Quantum-Computer Resistant Signature Algorithms. It’s a bit dense for the lay person, but a very interesting read for those with a grasp of cryptographic principles.
Under the Hood
Our team is working alongside some Folding@Home developers to ensure that the next generation of Folding@Home cores is CureCoin-Ready at launch, and vice-versa. The Beta testing here has been absolutely exciting. It’s not ready for mainstream just yet, but it’s close. If you’re worried about being too excited – don’t be! Embrace it.
On the Web, the Translations continue to be underway, but we still have no claim on the Russian translation. Come on, Russians, give it a shot!