Here you can find a collection of Team Member produced media and articles about how to start folding for Curecoins
We’ve had feedback from would-be participants, that our Knowledge Base tutorials, FAQs and detailed instructions are a bit intimidating (since we try to cover ALL caveats in one document). So rather than rework our legacy articles which are still very useful, we’ve started a collection of fan-produced videos which make getting started with Folding@home and Curecoin simple, fun and entertaining. While these may not cover every possible scenario, or everything that might go wrong during setup – they will put you on the fast track to start earning CURE tokens with Folding@home.
You Can Help Fight Against Corona Virus – FoldingAtHome & Curecoin
A video by IMineBlocks showing you how to get started with Folding@Home program which helps scientist create cures for many common diseases and the Corona Virus. Cover Curecoin and shows you how you can earn tokens while contributing to medical science.
Earn money while donating to research – Folding@home + CureCoin
A video by TroubleChute: “Donating spare computing power to Folding@home to help fight viruses, disease and cancer? Well, for no extra cost or effect on Folding@home, you can earn cryptocurrency at the same time! This video is a quick start guide for that. It will get you from using F@H to earning [tokens ultimately tradable for real money]”
2018 Mining (Folding) Curecoin on CPU | Easy CPU Minable Cryptocurrency (works for GPUs as well)
A video by Nipun Haritash: “Introducing a crypto currency which is very interesting from two perspectives. Number one, it works with CPUs [and GPUs] and secondly this coin does a very noble task of [searching for] cures to the diseases. The name of that cryptocurrency is Curecoin.”
Playlist of Foldingcoin Instructions (applicable to Curecoin as well)
A video by Jeff Moreland: “The FoldingBrowser (includes Curecoin instructions) is a quick Windows only installation package for setting up Folding@Home for both FoldingCoin and CureCoin – You can still earn Foldingcoin by merge folding with Curecoin, albeit with an extended distribution schedule for Foldingcoin.”
Curecoin Concepts – Presented in German Language
A video by Jumperbillijumper: “Heute schauen wir uns Curecoin etwas genauer an. Damit könnt ihr Forschungen unterstützen und dafür sogar Geld verdienen. Dafür wird Folding@Home genutzt. Curecoin bei Bittrex traden”
How to install the QT Wallet – GNU/Linux Version – Ubuntu 16.04
A video by Ivan Tuma: Video shows step-by-step instructions of building a Curecoin QT wallet on Linux Ubuntu 16.04. Although this is now several years old, most of the procedures described for Curecoin 1.0.0.x are still relevant for todays version on multiple Linux operating systems.
How to Mine Curecoin withFolding@home
How to Curecoin with Folding@home
Great article by SpecialAgent’s Report on Publish0x… “Here, I will show you how to start mining Curecoin: a coin with clarity and purpose. You’ll be helping scientists do the science. And with the value of CURE going up lately, you could be making a nice profit as well.” Article link <—–