
Can I dump slow work units to increase my PPD?


Dumping Work Units is hurtful to the Folding@Home project. Orphaned work is “lost” until the units time out and re-enter a work queue. This slows down the overall progress of the Folding project.

Work Units are assigned according to the “luck of the draw.” Some will be a bit faster, some a bit slower. The Stanford Team tries to balance the speed of units with the points rewarded to keep things fair and worthwhile, and in the end it all balances out.

Attempting to shortcut your way to faster/more valuable work will NOT work, short or long term. Please, just accept the Work Units you are assigned and only drop units if there is a technical reason (hardware malfunctions, hung units, etc).

Remember that an integral part of CureCoin is to help Folding@Home complete valuable research. Be a conscientious folder.

View the Folding@Home Best Practices.

Folders must maintain an 80% submission ratio to earn Bonus Points! Dumping Work Units will prevent you from earning the expected PPD.

3 Points