The client can be downloaded here
To ease some concerns about a lack of active development, we will be posting more blog and video content moving forward. Admittedly, it has not been easy to find public updates on recent work.
The team is putting in a lot of hours every week, with many people anxious to join the team to help. We are settling into a better organization system to handle the increased team size and plan to expand very soon. At this point in time, there are 10 members on the core team.
We also encourage you to look at our recent folding production coming out of the Curecoin team. We are continually reaching new records, with a new record broken today.
At 350,000,000 points over the past 24 hours, we have surpassed our previous daily record of 339M points (our new record from yesterday). At the same time, each Curecoin is now valued at $.18 USD, surpassing all previous records since our ICO. The Curecoin community channels, including Slack and Google Hangouts, have been consistently active with many more discussions about upgrading/expanding folding rigs to increase research output and gain more coins.
The recent client update focuses on both network security and functionality. In addition, there was also some tweaks to the GUI (to clean it up) and we have little more info on the main tab. Blockchain sync times should be faster, especially from a fresh sync. We also added, for now, an updated alert key to alert the Curecoin users of the upcoming mandatory updates that we need to release to get closer to 2.0 version launch.
Thanks for folding!