
U-Foundation Donation Making a Difference

U-Foundation Zambia (helping others to help themselves)
Through a private sale, Curecoin converted CURE to BTC and GBP. Using Virgin Money Giving we contributed to help U-Foundation support projects like Siankaba and Mutakwa Village Projects:
* Updating medical clinics to support thousands of villagers from surrounding areas.
* HIV/AIDS is a major concern in the area.
* Adding to that the threat of Ebola and clinics become not only the central point of treatment but also of education.
* Building nurseries to house up to 50 newborns and nursery schools for youngsters.
* Refurbishing Middle Schools, providing books, book bags and sports equipment.
* Some students walk up to 30km per day to attend school.
* Agricultural education – establish teaching farms to help create local, sustainable farming.
New projects include Tailoring – teaching students the apparel manufacture process.
Through this, we not only raises awareness for Folding@Home, but demonstrates how Curecoin can fund charities on a global scale as a result. Special thanks to those who donated to our fund.


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